Term Dates
Term Dates


We place great emphasis on the appearance of our students, and uniform is an integral part of the custom and character of the school.

We place great emphasis on the appearance of our students, and uniform is an integral part of the custom and character of the school.

In Years 7 – 11 blazers and skirts from the school supplier Stevensons are compulsory. School uniform and sportswear can be ordered online at Stevensons

Students have a responsibility to dress smartly and sensibly. The school’s dress code is constantly monitored during the course of the year.  Thus, parents must be satisfied that any garments purchased for school conform to the uniform that has been negotiated and agreed.

As a school we support the Halo Code. This means that we champion the right of staff and students to embrace all Afro-hairstyles. Extreme hairstyles, including sculptured haircuts, and obviously dyed hair, features such as razored eyebrows, any facial and tongue piercing, jewellery, acrylic and/or painted nails are not permitted. Please remember: NO earrings, only discreet plain studs; two stud per ear (ear lobe only) is the maximum allowed. (To allow time for healing, we advise that ears should not be pierced during term-time). No earring type is permitted to be worn in PE lessons. Only subtle use of make-up is permissible.  Facial hair can be grown so long as it is kept neat and tidy. Tattoos are strictly forbidden.

Skirts should be business-like and in line with the practicalities of everyday life. In order to facilitate this, we expect that the black monogrammed school skirt from Stevensons is worn. No other skirts are allowed. We ask that parents do not modify the skirt by shortening the hemline. In school, skirts must be worn correctly. Skirts should sit on the waist and should not be rolled or tied up in any way. Our expectation is that students not only wear school uniform but look smart when they are doing so. Blazers should be worn at all times around the school site.

There is no compulsory outdoor dress. Coats and jackets should be smart. Denim jackets, tracksuit tops and jackets with large logos and hoods are not acceptable.  Outdoor dress, including scarves, should not be worn inside classrooms.

As a safety precaution, necessary when moving around the school, shoes must have backs to them, no training shoes, no boots, and no heels higher than two inches.  Please do not wear stiletto-heeled shoes, as they damage floors and carpets.

NOTE: Full school uniform should be worn both to and from school.

Please note that we allow students to wear clothes specified by religious observance.

Sixth Form: Business Dress
As a member of the Waddesdon Sixth Form, you are expected to maintain a high standard of personal presentation by observing the Sixth Form Dress Code. This means wearing a suit with a shirt and tie or a smart dress, trousers or skirt with a suit jacket. Skirts and dresses must be an appropriate length and style for school as deemed by the Head of Sixth Form. Facial hair is permitted as long as it is kept neatly trimmed. Students who have a nose piercing may wear a small plain silver or gold stud.

For clarity, the following are not allowed: jeans; leggings; jeggings; trainers or trainer-like footwear; denim or leather skirts; strappy dresses or tops; long-sleeved or short-sleeved T-shirts; sweatshirts; hoodies. Hair must be a natural colour.

Uniform Policy

Year 7-11 Uniform
Sixth Form
  • Plain black trousers (no patch pockets) or black monogrammed school skirt (from Stevensons)
  • White shirt which will tuck in and is designed to take a tie
  • Black blazer with school badge (from Stevensons)
  • School tie
  • Discreet black belt (optional)
  • Plain black  shoes (not ‘trainer’ style shoes with Velcro)
  • A plain black ‘V’-neck jumper may be worn with the blazer in cold weather (cardigans are not acceptable).
Year 7 – 10

Green/black/silver with school motif

Year 11

Special Year 11 tie in plain green with school motif

Both ties are available from the school.

As a member of the Waddesdon Sixth Form, students are expected to maintain a high standard of personal presentation by observing the Sixth Form Dress Code.  For young men, this means wearing a suit with a shirt and tie.  For young woman, this means wearing a suit jacket, with a smart dress, trousers or skirt.  Skirts and dresses must be an appropriate length and style for school as deemed by the Head of Sixth Form.   Young men may grow facial hair as long as it is kept neatly trimmed.  Students who have a nose piercing may wear a small, plain silver or gold stud.  Hair must be a natural colour.

All clothing/equipment should be clearly marked with the student’s name.

Health and Safety requirements dictate that no sleeper-type earrings/studs (often used after initial piercing) are permitted to be worn in PE lessons.

  • Hooded sweatshirt (optional, available only through school supplier)
  • Rugby jersey (available only through school supplier)
  • Rugby shorts (available only through school supplier)
  • Polo shirt (available only through school supplier)
  • Black shadow-stripe shorts or skort
  • Plain black games socks
  • Shinpads
  • Gumshield
  • Totally black tracksuit trousers (optional)
  • Football boots (no blades)
  • Outdoor trainers (astro, grass and tennis courts) and indoor trainers (non-marking sole)

School Supplier

Our uniform supplier is Stevensons. Please visit their website  for full uniform details.