Our daily routines and educational practice are rooted in the twin values of Dignity and Respect.
At Waddesdon, we strive to support the academic, cultural and personal growth of all our students by providing opportunities for advanced learning inside and outside of school. Waddesdon is a supportive and encouraging environment, where the most able, ambitious, and curious students can exercise their independence and truly flourish as successful, advanced learners. We believe that school is more than just a classroom. Therefore, every Key Stage is provided with enriched and varied learning opportunities which we hope will encourage our students to hone their individual skills and talents, and support them in their journey to becoming valuable, well-rounded citizens.
The Year 7 Summer Challenge is an opportunity for our upcoming students to undertake a series of summer activities, which will support them as they begin to develop the independence and curiosity necessary to flourish in secondary school. Please click to download a copy of the Year 7 Summer Challenge booklet.
The Challenge is an opportunity for our current KS3 students develop independent learning skills, and expand their cultural capital, by undertaking a series of different wider learning opportunities linked to our different subject areas. Please click to download a copy of The Challenge booklet.
The Summer Challenge is an engaging research project aimed at our upper KS4 students, intended to develop independence and to cultivate the skill of forming an original and evidenced opinion. As this work is linked to Hertford College, University of Oxford, the Summer Project also serves as a useful introduction to the prospects offered by Higher Education.
The Beacon Group is made up of advanced learners in KS3 and KS4. Participation in the Beacon Group is based on academic performance. Beacon Group students undertake a series of super-curricular opportunities – such as the the Magistrates’ Court Mock Trial, and the Higher Project Qualification.
Our Sixth Form has a wide array of extension studies on offer, which students have the opportunity to partake in every Wednesday – from debating, to volunteering, to the EPQ – plus access to super-curricular activities, such as MOOCs, leadership roles, and India Global Leadership.