Term Dates
Term Dates
Living Out Our Values

Charity & Community Service

Waddesdon Church of England School > Charity & Community Service

“We rise by lifting others”

Robert Ingersoll

As an outward looking community, we strive to understand the work of a wide range of local, national and global charities which raise awareness, fundraise and champion important causes to make society more equal.

Previous student leaders have raised awareness and funds for charities such as Amnesty International, Cancer Research, the Anthony Nolan Trust and Children In Need and the local Bernie Bus can appeal, to name but a few.

This year, student leaders and staff are:

  • Raised over £1250 for Breast Cancer Awareness with a school non uniform day
  • Raised £200 for Cancer Research with a Splash the Teacher event at Waddfest
  • Linking up with Waddesdon Parish Council and attending meetings to explore other local community work which the school could be involved with
  • Staff Student Quiz raising money for toilet twinning project
  • Other fundraising activities

As a community, our students are passionate about volunteering in the local community. Annually, approximately twenty Sixth Form students volunteer at the Wednesday Club in the village hall every week, supporting with meals and activities for the elderly members of the club. A similar number of students volunteer at Waddesdon Village Primary School, supporting teachers with reading and other classroom activities.

Sixth Form students also volunteer to serve within our school community. Year 12 students are trained as Peer Mediators to support younger students one-to-one with advice as well as delivering CP lessons about mental health and well-being to form groups. Sixth Form students also volunteer as Reading and Maths mentors to support lower school students in their learning. Our Sports Leader programme trains Year 12 students to lead sports events for primary aged children.

Our well-established Prefect system enables our Year 13 students to support staff with behaviour around the school site, represent the school at public events as ambassadors, and deliver weekly assemblies to the whole school on issues which matter. Students are very generous with their time and we thank them for their incredible service to the school.

‘I just would like to pass on a big thank you from the Wednesday Club elderly to your students. Since September, they were joining us at the club and bringing joy and laughter to the elderly who are missing their grandchildren and the company of young people in their everyday life. Your students were and are exceptional’

From the Wednesday Club