Our daily routines and educational practice are rooted in the twin values of Dignity and Respect.
“It is a real pleasure to welcome you to Waddesdon Church of England School.
At Waddesdon, we believe that the purpose of education is to enable all people to flourish individually and collectively so that they can live a life of value. As a community, we strive to achieve these aims, believing genuinely and unequivocally in the capacity and potential of every child.
Our ethos is rooted and grounded in the Christian values of love, compassion, kindness and inclusion which foster dignity and respect for all. Students tell us that they feel safe and happy at Waddesdon School. Self-confidence, self-belief and agency are nurtured through praise, encouragement, acknowledgement of success and celebration of achievement.
Our vibrant and positive culture enables our students to fulfill their potential as self-disciplined, responsible and productive citizens who are proud to claim that they are a part of the Waddesdon tradition, the ‘Waddesdon Way’.
Standards and expectations are high and learning is developed through a broad range of engaging and rich educational opportunities. We are a dedicated and motivated staff who enable our students to work hard and achieve highly. However, our school cannot simply be measured by our outstanding outcomes alone; it is also measured by the development and character of our young people.”