Our daily routines and educational practice are rooted in the twin values of Dignity and Respect.
At Waddesdon, we know the importance of developing good homework habits and promoting independent learning. Research carried out by Cambridge University supports this view.
The study published in the open access International Journal of Behavioural Nutrition and Physical Activity has concluded that “pupils who do an extra hour of daily homework and reading perform significantly better than their peers”.
Students are set homework using an online system called Class Charts (replacing the previous system Satchel:One/Show My Homework). This website allows teachers to set, track and monitor homework and enables them to attach a range of resources. The system can be accessed by parents and students via the link found in the ‘Class Charts’ section of the website.
For some subjects’ students maybe set homework via Microsoft TEAMS Assignments.
If homework is not handed in on time, or is incomplete, teachers record this. We are then able to clearly identify the students who are not taking sufficient responsibility for their homework. A student who is missing homework in a subject area will initially be dealt with by the subject teacher and subject leader.
However, where a student fails to complete three pieces of homework over a fortnight, this triggers entrance to Period 6 – the after-school homework support sessions.
Should you have any questions about Class Charts or Period 6 please do not hesitate to get in touch with Mr Jones or Mrs Branton.