Term Dates
Term Dates
Living Out Our Values

Living Out Our Values: Environmental Awareness and Action

Waddesdon Church of England School > Living Out Our Values: Environmental Awareness and Action
United Nations Climate Change Conferences as well as the work of scientists and environmental activists like David Attenborough and Greta Thunberg shine a light on how we all need to be more environmentally aware, taking action to promote more sustainable ways of living to save our planet.
In recent years, our student leaders have successfully written a bid to the Heart of Bucks Foundation to secure funds for more recycling bins at school. We have also established a link with Waddesdon Manor Estate to explore how they promote sustainability. From this, we are working in partnership to ensure our school food waste can be re-used on the Estate, using their food recycling facilities. 
A number of student led assemblies have been delivered to raise awareness, including from a student who had focused her EPQ on sustainability and had attended two European Sustainability Conferences in The Netherlands and Belgium in Year 13.
This year, student leaders and staff on ‘Green Group’ are focused on:
  • improving the school community’s understanding of environmental issues through assemblies, challenging each of us to carry out daily small acts, which added up together make a huge difference
  • reinvigorating our recycling systems at school, promoting awareness about what can be recycled and where, including school uniform
  • building on our link with Waddesdon Manor Estate to work on joint sustainability projects

The Sustainability Group at the Waddesdon Estate

“The truth is: the natural world is changing. And we are totally dependent on that world. It provides our food, water and air. It is the most precious thing we have and we need to defend it.”

Sir David Attenborough