Our daily routines and educational practice are rooted in the twin values of Dignity and Respect.
In Media Studies, our main aim is for students to develop a stronger awareness of the products produced by the media. Students study advertising, magazines, television, music videos, film, websites as well as online magazines, video games, newspapers and radio. Students apply their knowledge in their coursework by producing media products resembling professional media products.
Mrs Lauren HaggertySubject Leader for Media Studies |
Miss Sarah CaswellMedia Studies Teacher |
We intend to develop students’ critical awareness of the media they are exposed to daily. As students study contemporary and some historical media products, media with very different target audiences from themselves, including media from other cultures, we hope that students will develop greater cultural capital, cultural awareness and sensitivity. The diverse media products the students study allow them to develop strong awareness of the media industry that the media products were or are a part of, including an understanding of the economic, social, political, historical, cultural and media influences. Media Studies teaches important skills of understanding and engaging with how different groups of people can be presented and helps to support the values of dignity and respect.
Students learn and apply knowledge of the media industry, audiences and representations of people, places and events, using media language and relevant theories. Students will improve their written essay skills and critical reading throughout the course and apply their knowledge to creative, practical work. For example, students study the conventions of websites and create a website of a specific genre, working to a specific brief. The practical, creative work allows students to apply their creativity to produce original content, perform and develop skills in photography and editing (video and still images). Students use software, including Photoshop, InDesign and Premier Pro, which will improve their IT skills and give the confidence to learn new IT and take on new tasks in the future.
The course is designed to accommodate students of all abilities. The analysis of media texts, such as crime dramas, music videos, magazines and the research of certain areas helps to captivate the attention of lower prior attainers and boys.
We believe that Media students flourish when they are inspired to become curious learners, enthused to work hard and expected to achieve highly.
Students are taught the following topics in Years 12 and 13:
Year 12:
For each of these topics, students study specific media texts. They will learn theories, terminology and knowledge of the relevant audience, explore their representations of people and the media industry and context they are a part of.
Year 13:
In Year 13, students will study some new theories and terminology and deepen their understanding of the theories, terminology, topics and contexts studied in Year 12.
Media Studies provides extra-curricular experiences with film screenings, and there are co-curricular opportunities with other subjects. Students will develop knowledge and skills that are relevant for courses like Business, as every media product is produced and selling itself to an audience; Photography, Graphics, IT and Drama, as practical work will develop skills in photography, graphics, video, editing, IT, performing and directing, and English and History, as students analyse texts in relation to context.
Some students choose to do an EPQ to extend their knowledge. High Prior Attainers often assume roles as leaders in the class and pursue extended reading or activities to stimulate their intelligence.
Waddesdon Church of England School’s Assessment and Feedback Policy. At Waddesdon our aim is for assessment to be: