Our daily routines and educational practice are rooted in the twin values of Dignity and Respect.
Our school is part of the Diocese of Oxford’s family of schools, the Anglican Church’s gift to the community across Buckinghamshire, Berkshire and Oxfordshire. The school is founded upon traditional Christian values, which are manifest in the school’s culture and ethos of ‘Dignity and Respect for all’. Students and staff of all faiths and none are equally valued, cherished and loved.
We believe that education in all its fullness enables all people – students and staff – to flourish, socially, emotionally and academically.
Our Christian Ethos Group, which is responsible for developing our school’s Christian ethos in practical ways across school life, comprises student representatives, members of staff, governors, trustees and local clergy. As well as developing new ideas, the group oversees the work of the Chaplaincy Team, opportunities for education, reflection and spiritual growth, and the Annual Service of Praise and Thanksgiving, which is attended by the whole school.
The students’ leadership on social justice and their championing of the least advantaged are a deliberate outworking of the message of the gospels. You will see how this impacts our young people and wider society in the ‘Living out our Values’ section of this website.
The school welcomes students and staff of all faiths and none.
With the support of The Revd Caroline Wainman, vicar of St. Michael and All Angels in Waddesdon, we hold regular services of Holy Communion, which students and staff may attend on a voluntary basis. There are a range of events, such as Worship Band, Christian Art Club, ‘Is There a God?’ week, Socratic society and library reflection which enable our young people to consider their faith and which provide space for contemplation. Whole school assemblies take place every morning, where we welcome speakers from the local clergy and representatives of other local faith groups and organisations. We hold it as a truth that everyone has spiritual needs, irrespective of their beliefs.
Our school Bible verse, “I have come that they may have life, and have it in full” expresses our firm belief that education should recognise the richness of being human, acknowledging the highs and lows we all face as we develop and grow. The promise given in John 10:10 is that life can be lived fully through being part of a community and understanding the importance of love and service as taught by Jesus.
Our hope is that Waddesdon School continues to be not just a school, but a family where there is a place for everyone irrespective of colour, culture or creed; a place where the weak are strengthened, the lost are found, the isolated are integrated and all flourish irrespective of their personal circumstances. It is our prayer that our students and staff will flourish in the knowledge that they are loved eternally and that the words of this verse will give them the confidence they need to achieve highly and to live a fruitful life in all its fullness.