Our daily routines and educational practice are rooted in the twin values of Dignity and Respect.
Our daily assemblies bring together all members of our community in a celebration of our values of dignity, respect, tolerance and diversity. Led by students, a member of staff, or outside speaker (from a range of religious and non-religious backgrounds), they are always thought-provoking, sometimes humorous and often personal and joyful.
As acts of worship, our assemblies, are deliberately invitational and inclusive, reflecting the needs of the students and their families whom we serve, be they of all faiths and none.
We take seriously our commitment to the spiritual development of our young people and staff and recognize the power and importance of the questions which underpin the Church of England’s Vision for Education (2016): Who am I? Why am I here? What do I desire? How then shall I live?
If you are interested in speaking or presenting in one of our assemblies, please contact Anna Ewart (Assistant Head) for more details.
Due to COVID-19, we were no longer able to hold our whole school assemblies. Therefore, teachers and students provided pre-recorded assemblies for everyone to watch, ensuring our values from assemblies were not lost.