Our daily routines and educational practice are rooted in the twin values of Dignity and Respect.
Waddesdon Church of England School is a heavily oversubscribed school. There are waiting lists for every year group.
Waddesdon School is an academy, having previously been a voluntary aided Church of England school. This means that, unlike community schools, decisions about admission rest with the Governing Body which follows its published admission arrangements. Governors operate within the coordinated admission arrangements of the Local Authority (Buckinghamshire Council) for entry into Year 7.
Applications for Year 7 starting September 2025
Applicants for Year 7 starting in September 2025 will receive notification of their allocated place on Monday 3 March. Applicants who put Waddesdon as a preference but do not receive an offer of a place here have the right to appeal to an independent appeals panel. They should contact the school for an appeals form, which should be returned to the school by Monday 31 March. Appeals will be heard in May 2025. The appeals timetable is below.
Applications for other year groups should be made using the in-year application form below which should be returned directly to the school.
Applicants who live within the catchment area for Waddesdon School must also complete the school’s supplemental form A (Catchment) and return this direct to the school with the required supporting evidence.
Applicants who are seeking a place under church commitment criteria must ask their minister to complete the school’s supplemental form B (Church Commitment) and ensure that this is returned direct to the school. Receipt of these forms will be acknowledged by email: if you have not received an acknowledgement within two weeks of submission, please contact the school’s Admissions Officer (admissions@waddesdonschool.com).
Increase in the Planned Admission Number for 2026 – 27
The admission arrangements for 2026 – 27 have been determined following a statutory consultation and can be found below. The Planned Admission Number for 2026 – 27 for Year 7 has increased to 145.
Apply to Waddesdon Sixth Form for September 2025 - click here (to Joining our Sixth Form page here: https://www.waddesdonschool.com/joining-our-sixth-form/)
Click here to see the interior of our exciting New Sixth Form Building, designed by Roberts Limbrick Architects and opening at Easter 2025: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YgwcouDqX5M